Simon Webb

When Simon was eighteen and enrolled in medical school he was told by the Dean in his inaugural lecture that 65% of what he would be treating would have been caused by doctors (iatrogenic). That figure now stands at 70% so things have not got any better. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he did not choose to pursue that career. Jobs in computing and marketing followed with Simon forming his own telemarketing company, Integrated Telemarketing Ltd in 1996. That company is still running successfully. Simon found Kinesiology when he was looking for an educational product to market. The product he was interested in was an Australian DVD set about Kinesiology. The authors were not interested in collaborating so he went looking for UK based Kinesiology courses and found The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK). There are several types of Kinesiology available to learn but this one seemed to require less stretching of the imagination than the rest so he went to a taster session with Dawn Bailey from TASK and was hooked. Simon is a member of The Association of Systematic Kinesiology (ASK) and has reached the first level of professional qualification: Cert ASK. Hi next step will be to complete the TASK Diploma training, starting in September 2015. The Diploma qualification, Dip ASK includes qualification as a level 3 nutrition coach.
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