Organic Baby Sea Sponge
Organically grown soft sea sponge
- Perfect for Your Baby's Gentle Bathtime
- More durable than synthetic sponges
- Beautifully Gentle & Soft on Your Baby's Sensitive Skin
- Produces a Soft & Natural lather
- Organically Grown and Sustainably harvested
Our beautifully soft natural sponge, expands when wet and is ideal for a gentle bath time. Suitable for newborn and sensitive skin. No synthetic sponge can duplicate the natural feeling of sea sponge against your skin or hold the amount of water that a natural sponge can hold. The natural sponge creates a beautiful lather quickly with every type of soap, both liquid and bar. Sea sponges are more durable and last longer than synthetic sponges because they are more resistant to abrasion. Eco Friendly Organically grown and sustainably harvested from the Mediterranean Sea around the the Greek Islands. Each sponge is hand picked from the stem, leaving the colony to flourish. When harvested, all sponges are a dark brown. After undergoing an oxygen bleach process the brown colour fades away and a yellow sponge is revealed. 10% of our profits go to charity: By buying this sponge you are supporting SANCCOB, a charity which rescues penguins from oil slicks on the African coast. We also donate to 'Baby Lifeline', giving hospital equipment to baby care units. Thank you! Lets go carbon neutral: We invest in Gold Standard reforestation projects to help turn the world green. We are committed to being carbon neutral. Details Caring for your Sponge: It is advisable to wash your natural sponge regularly to deter soap build-up: Soak in a bowl of water with a little vinegar for a couple of hours and then shake out and leave to dry - as good as new!).