Your Natural First Aid Kit
Having a well-stocked First Aid Kit is really important, but do you have an additional complimentary Natural First Aid Kit? Here’s a check list for setting one up for yourself:
This popular homeopathic remedy comes in the form of small pillules which are perfect to take after any injury or shock. No Natural First Aid Kit should be without Arnica! In addition, Arnica Gel is a very efficacious topical pain relief.
Lavender Essential Oil
The aroma is good for calming the nervous system and, if the oil is of therapeutic quality, is beneficial for topical application for sunburn, cuts, spots, bites, and sores.
Another essential for your Kit, colloidal silver is a very simple, no-nasties, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. You can get this as a liquid, spray, or as a gel and use on cuts, wounds, spots, and sores. (I use it on my dogs also, as it’s safe and can prevent small bites and scratches from getting infected.)
White Willow or Feverfew tea
These powerful herbs are traditionally used as natural pain relief. White Willow contains salicin which has properties similar to aspirin, providing pain-relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Feverfew contains parthenolide and is often known as “medieval aspirin”. It is traditionally used for headaches, migraines, and toothaches. Another one to put in your Kit if you suffer with menstrual pain would be Cramp Bark – drinking this tea when required can make that time of the month a lot easier to bare.*
Peppermint and fennel
For indigestion, some simple peppermint oil, tablets, or even chewing the fresh leaves and/or chewing fennel seeds can help sooth and calm.
Simple, basic, sweetener-free electrolytes are essential to restore a healthy mineral balance after dehydration. Taking electrolyte drops in some water will help after bouts of diarrhoea or sickness and can also be very beneficial after excessive sweating, exercise, and after alcohol consumption.
Ginger is a great remedy for nausea. A ginger tincture can last in your Kit for a couple of years and is great for nausea or travel sickness. Another handy natural remedy for travel sickness is to suck on a wedge of lemon.
Rescue Remedy
Five Flower Remedy is a combination of flower remedies that can support emotional and mental stress, anxiety, and shock. Easy to take, you can add a few drops straight under your tongue or in some water. You may also like to keep Fiver Flower spray or Five Flower cream in your Kit.
Sleep Pillules
A good, chemical-free sleep remedy can be handy to have. And there are many to choose from depending on what causes the insomnia. For your Natural First Aid Kit, you’re going to want something that helps naturally and quickly, is simple and safe, stores and travels well, and does the job when you need it to. Homeopathic Sleep Pillules are a great option and cover all of these bases.
Remember, when administering first aid to someone else, you should always follow recommended guidelines and instructions. The information in this article is for your own use and is meant to inspire your own utilisation of natural remedies to be complimentary, and not as a replacement, for other advice. *Be cautious of any allergies or sensitivities that you might have and always consult with your pharmacist when combining herbal remedies with medications.
Pop into The Apothecary Shop at 31 The Homend to find many of the items mentioned, plus more ideas and natural remedies.
I’d like to thank the many people that I speak to at The Apothecary Shop: as a source of information, we hope to help people with their queries, but we also learn so much from speaking to customers about their tips and natural solutions. So if you find your tip in one of my articles, you are much appreciated by me and all those who benefit from reading!