Myrrh Essential Oil


Country of Origin: Somalia.

Plant Family: Burseraceae.

Method of Extraction: The oil is distilled from the resin of the Myrrh tree.

Main Theraputic Properties: Antibacterial, Anticatarrahal, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Calmative.

Contraindications: Non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.

Did you know: It is said no soldier of Ancient Greece went into battle without a paste of myrrh, ready for use on injuries

Oil Appearance: Pale to Dark Amber.

Chakra: Neri

Chinese Element: Earth (& Metal).

There are around 80 species of Commiphora, the resin is collected from these thorny shrubs which are up to 3 meters in height.

Myrrh has acquired a reputation as a healer over the centuries and as such can be beneficial when used in inhalations to help ease winter ills.

Place 1 drop each of Myrrh, Benzoin and Lavender in a bowl of boiling water. Drape a towel across your head and shoulders and inhale the vapours for a few minutes.

Try blending 1 drop of Myrrh, 2 drops of Geranium and 1 drop of Peppermint in 10ml of Coconut oil to use as a massage oil on neglected feet.

Myrrh is extremely viscous, and therefore more difficult to use. We use a larger dropper for this oil, but with time it may solidify. The only solution is to warm the oil gently in the hands before use, and to be patient!

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